Dakota X Dakota X


Provincetown Arts vol. 38 2023-24
By Andre van der Wende

Painter Sky Power could well have plugged into Tesla’s words generating her own current of abstraction as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Over the course of fifty years, she’s produced a deeply committed body of painting that pays homage to past masters while consistently casting its gaze outward—all as a way to look inward—toward her own core of knowledge, if you will.

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Dakota X Dakota X

Sky Power: Beckoning Color

Art New England
By Susan Rand Brown May/June 2023

Two thousand twenty-three continues to be memorable for Sky Power, who has lived and worked in Provincetown, MA, since 1976. She exhibits regularly at Berta Walker Gallery, Provincetown’s home to generations of creatives defining America’s oldest art colony. “Our connection is deep, as is our mutual love of art and color,” Power says of Berta Walker.

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Dakota X Dakota X


By Lee Roscoe, May/June 2023

With the transcendent energy which exists behind the real world emerging onto her canvases, Sky Power’s paintings seem almost to be vision quests, dreaming the real world into another realm, filtering that so-called “real”world into a dream, or that space in which Crazy Horse was alleged to have lived — the dimension beyond whatwe see, what allegedly, “is.” Somehow what she captures in her light and color-filled abstractions is very moving.

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Dakota X Dakota X

Sky Power Paints With Abandon

The Provincetown Independent
BY Abraham Storer MAY 17, 2023

Sky Power points to a loosely defined shape in her painting Interior of a Landscape. It could be a boat floating in water: an orange rectangle rising from a half-moon shape looks like the wheelhouse of a fishing boat. But she also sees it as a reference to a caprock near her childhood home in Post, Texas.

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Dakota X Dakota X


Provincetown Arts
By Susan Rand Brown, 2009

BECKONING LIKE ripe summer peaches, Sky Power’s seductive, luminous canvases— “dreamscapes,” she calls them—are of the moment. Absent obvious narrative, Power’s recent works—Secluded (2005) in the permanent collection of the Provincetown Art Association and Museum or Sea Roses (2008), where violet surrenders to the pull of orangey pink, and needle-size red zips pierce a winding ribbon of pale yellow—reach to the idea of a painting as metaphor.

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Dakota X Dakota X

Sky Power

Cape Arts Review
by Andre van der Wende, 2009

I first met Sky Power in 1998 after reviewing her exhibition in Truro. Back then, the Texas native showed a little of everything—still lifes, figurative work, and abstraction—all of it sincerely skilled but leaving you wondering where Power was in all of it. The abstract work seemed to have greater resonance and now, eleven years later, Power is deep in the pocket of abstraction, producing openly poetic mid-career work that’s rigorously executed and lyrically stunning.

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